Futura Casa 2.0: Explore a New Website

29.08.2023 | Find everything what you need in one place, explore new Futura Casa Agency website

Futura Casa 2.0: Explore a New Website

Amazing news before the new season! Futura Casa Agency launched a NEW WEBSITE!

What’s new:
– Factories section: Find your factory by using a special interior selections filter;

– Catalogs section: Download any catalog, sorted by interior selections or factory;

– Video section: Watch professional videos about collections in 3+ languages;

– Countries section: Find your country with a relevant list of factories;

– Interiors section: Choose products divided into interior groups;

– News: Read the latest news, press releases, and more;

– For Dealers: use all professional information for dealers;

– Contacts: Find all additional info about the Futura Casa team.

Explore more: futura.casa